Why Jazz?

DSC_0072We think jazz is a music (maybe the only music) that can transcend just about any generational gap.  People of all ages can enjoy jazz, which is something we can’t say with confidence about any other style of music.

Rather than falling into the trap of “contemporary” and “traditional” services, jazz music has the ability to cross boundaries and unite the community in worship. It provides inspiration and new life to churches, bringing together children, youth, adults, and senior members and exciting them about their interactions together in worship.  This cultivates relationships that strengthen the bonds of being a church – a beautiful reflection of God’s people living out the Christian faith.

Our hope is that jazz worship will become an experience that no one will want to miss.  Hopefully, the new spirit of worship will move us all to become the hands and feet of Christ, ministering to church members as well as the local and global community.